This month’s deals
car shopper
We get you the BEST lease
On ANY car in California
Honda Toyota BMW Mercedes Hyundai Ford
How it works
Select your make and model
Choose from over 30+ different brands. It’s like the world’s largest dealership at your fingertips. From Toyota and Honda to BMW and Bentley, we have you covered.
Connect with Your Personal Car Shopper
You will be connected to a personalized car shopper who will review the details of the car you requested. They will go through the different pricing options – lease vs. finance – and apply all available rebates and incentives to ensure you get the best price possible.
Get Your Car Delivered
We will schedule delivery to your home or office, or you can pick it up from one of our offices. We’ll help you set up your Bluetooth phone connection and walk you through any features of your new car. If you have a trade-in or lease return, we can pick that up too.
$189/mo for 24-months
The 2025 Hyundai Elantra is a sleek and tech-savvy compact sedan, featuring a bold design, advanced infotainment, efficient engine options, and a suite of safety features for a refined driving experience.